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Landsberg, H.E. und J.van Mieghem:
Advances in Geophysics, Volume 14.
New York, Academic Press 1970.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geowissenschaften

Einband etwas berieben, Bibl.Ex., innen guter und sauberer Zustand. -------------------------------------------------------- Inhalt u.a.: A.J.Drummond: Precision Radiometry and its significance in Atmospheric and Space Physics. E.J.Gilham: Radiometry fromthe Viewpoint of the Detector. R.Star: Sources as Radionetric Standards. H.J.Kostkowski: High-Accuracy Spectral Radiance Calibration of Tungsten-Strip Lamps. E.H.Putley: New Onfrared Detectors. R.E.Bedford: Blackbodies as Absolute Radiation Standards. A.R.Karoli: ExperimentalBlckbody Radiometry. J.R.Hickey: Laboratory Methods of Experimantal Radiometry including Data Analysis. A.K.Ängström: On Determinations of the Atmospheric Turbidity and their Relation to Pyrheliometric Measurements. G.D.Robinson: Some Meteorological Aspects of Radiation and Radiation Measurement. ... Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm , Leinen- Hardcover/Pappeinband xvii,415 Seiten mit zahlreichen Abbildungen, 1.Auflage,

Einband etwas berieben, Bibl.Ex., innen guter und sauberer Zustand. -------------------------------------------------------- Inhalt u.a.: A.J.Drummond: Precision Radiometry and its significance in Atmospheric and Space Physics. E.J.Gilham: Radiometry fromthe Viewpoint of the Detector. R.Star: Sources as Radionetric Standards. H.J.Kostkowski: High-Accuracy Spectral Radiance Calibration of Tungsten-Strip Lamps. E.H.Putley: New Onfrared Detectors. R.E.Bedford: Blackbodies as Absolute Radiation Standards. A.R.Karoli: ExperimentalBlckbody Radiometry. J.R.Hickey: Laboratory Methods of Experimantal Radiometry including Data Analysis. A.K.Ängström: On Determinations of the Atmospheric Turbidity and their Relation to Pyrheliometric Measurements. G.D.Robinson: Some Meteorological Aspects of Radiation and Radiation Measurement. ...

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