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Popova, I. F.
Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century / Rossiiskie ekspeditsii v Tsentral'nuiu Aziiu v kontse XIX - nachale XX veka
Slavia JSC 2008 St. Petersburg
ISBN/EAN: 9785950101595

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Englischsprachige Bücher: Geschichte/Politik (engl.)

Popova, I. F.  Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century / Rossiiskie ekspeditsii v Tsentral'nuiu Aziiu v kontse XIX - nachale XX veka
Hardcover/gebunden 243 p. 295 x 245 mm russia / english Dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the Asiatic Museum - Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Acadamy of Sciences. Good condition - nice and clean copy with a dedication on the title page - international shipping

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Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage
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