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Cercignani, Carlo and Gilberto Medeiros Kremer:
The relativistic Boltzmann equation: theory and applications.
Basel ; Boston ; Berlin : Birkhäuser, 2002.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Mathematik

/ Progress in mathematical physics ; Volume 22 FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. - SOFORT lieferbar! - ( Druck auf Anfrage 180 Euro !! Printed after ordering - ) - The aim of this book is to present the theory and applications of the relativistic Boltzmann equation in a self-contained manner, even for those readers who have no familiarity with special and general relativity. Though an attempt is made to present the basic concepts in a complete fashion, the style of presentation is chosen to be appealing to readers who want to understand how kinetic theory is used for explicit calculations. The book will be helpful not only as a textbook for an advanced course on relativistic kinetic theory but also as a reference for physicists, astrophysicists and applied mathematicians who are interested in the theory and applications of the relativistic Boltzmann equation. Originalpappband. X, 384 Seiten. 24 cm First edition.

FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. - SOFORT lieferbar! - ( Druck auf Anfrage 180 Euro !! Printed after ordering - ) - The aim of this book is to present the theory and applications of the relativistic Boltzmann equation in a self-contained manner, even for those readers who have no familiarity with special and general relativity. Though an attempt is made to present the basic concepts in a complete fashion, the style of presentation is chosen to be appealing to readers who want to understand how kinetic theory is used for explicit calculations. The book will be helpful not only as a textbook for an advanced course on relativistic kinetic theory but also as a reference for physicists, astrophysicists and applied mathematicians who are interested in the theory and applications of the relativistic Boltzmann equation.

[SW: Boltzmann-Gleichung ; Relativistischer Effekt, Physik, Astronomie, Mathematik]
Boltzmann-Gleichung, Relativistischer, Effekt, Physik, Astronomie, Mathematik
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