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van der Pol, Balth. and H. Bremmer:
Operational Calculus Based on the Two-Sided Laplace Integral.
Cambridge Univ.Press, 1959.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Mathematik

415 S. Hardcover/Pappeinband

Good condition. Ex library with stamps and back label. Cloth binding with additional cover foliation. Paper yellowish but clean.

[SW: Mathematics]
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 7 Werktage
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Alling, Norman L.:  Real Elliptic Curves. (=North Holland Mathematics Studies; 54). [Notas Mathematica; 81]. (Ed. Leopoldo Nachbin).
Alling, Norman L.:
Real Elliptic Curves. (=North Holland Mathematics Studies; 54). [Notas Mathematica; 81]. (Ed. Leopoldo Nachbin).

EUR 44,90
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Poloshi, G. N. (Hg.):
Mathematisches Praktikum.

EUR 9,50
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Orlik, Peter and Volkmar Welker:
Algebraic Combinatorics: Lectures at a Summer School in Nordfjordeid, Norway, June 2003.

EUR 7,70
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Bernardo, Jose M., M. J. Bayarri and A. Philip Dawid:
Bayesian Statistics 7: Proceedings of the Seventh Valencia International Meeting

EUR 18,70
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EUR 10,00
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
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