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Lass, Harry:
Elements of Pure and Applied Mathematics.
New York, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1957.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Mathematik

491 S. Hardcover/Pappeinband

Good condition. Ex library with stamps and back label. Cloth binding with additional cover foliation. Pages clean.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 7 Werktage
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Schwartz, Laurent:  A Mathematician Grappling with his Century.
Schwartz, Laurent:
A Mathematician Grappling with his Century.

EUR 81,60
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Hackbusch, Wolfgang:  Iterative Lösung großer schwachbesetzter Gleichungssysteme. (=Leitfäden der angewandten Mathematik und Mechanik ; Bd. 69).
Hackbusch, Wolfgang:
Iterative Lösung großer schwachbesetzter Gleichungssysteme. (=Leitfäden der angewandten Mathematik und Mechanik ; Bd. 69).

EUR 11,00
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Kubat, Libor( Ed. )
Transactions of the Seventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes and the 1974 European Meeting of Statisticians held at Prague, from August 18 to 23, 1974, Volume A.

EUR 11,00
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Lafontaine, Jacques:
An Introduction to Differential Manifolds.

EUR 49,00
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EUR 15,40
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 7 Werktage
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