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Malkin, J. G., M. I. Almuhamedov, N. N. Bautin a. o.: gefunden im Sachgebiet: Mathematik 510 p. Hardcover/Pappeinband.
Guter Zustand. Bibliotheksexemplar mit Stempeln und Signatur auf Einband. Sonst Seiten sauber. / Good. Ex-library with usual markings. Clean pages. Inhalt / content: Malkin, I. G.: Certain questions on the theory of the stability of motion in the sense of Lyapunov / Some basic theorems of the theory of stability of motion in critical cases / On stability under constantly acting disturbances / Oscillations of systems with one degree of freedom close to systems of Lyapunov / Oscillations of systems with several degrees of freedom, close to systems of Lyapunov / Alimuhamedov, M. I.: On conditions for the existence of stable and unstable centers / Bautin, N. N.: On the number of limit cycles which appear with the variation of coefficients from an equilibrium position of focus or center type / Nemyckii, V. V.: Topological problems of the theory of dynamical systems / Elsgolc, L. E.: An estimate for the number of singular points of a dynamical system defined on a manifold.
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,50 Lieferzeit: 1 - 4 Werktage
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Malkin, J. G., M. I. Almuhamedov, N. N. Bautin a. o.: Stability and dynamic systems (=Translations ...
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