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Szatkowski, Miroslaw; Rosiak, Marek (Hrsg.)
Substantiality and Causality. NEU ORIGINALVERPACKT
2014 De Gruyter Ontos

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Wissenschaft

Szatkowski, Miroslaw; Rosiak, Marek (Hrsg.) Substantiality and Causality. NEU ORIGINALVERPACKT
Gebundener Pappeinband, 23 x 16 cm, neu, noch in Original-Schutzfolie eingeschweißt. Verlagstext: The content of the volume is divided as follows: after presenting two rival approaches to substantiality and causality: a traditional (ontological) view vs. a transcendental one (Rosiak) there follow two sections: the first presents studies of substance as showing some causal aspects (Buchheim, Keinänen, Kovac, Piwowarczyk), whereas the other contains investigations of causality showing in a way its reference to the category of substance (Kobiela, Meixner, Mitscherling, Wroski). The last, short section contains two studies of extension (Leszczyski and Skowron) which can be regarded as a conceptual background of both substantiality and causality. The book gives a very colourful picture of the discussions connected with substantiality and causality which may be of potential interest for the readers.

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