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Corradini, Antonella; Meixner, Uwe (Hrsg.)
Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind. New Essays on the Mind-Body Relation in Quantum-Theoretical Perspective. NEU ORIGINALVERPACKT
2014 De Gruyter Ontos

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Physik

Corradini, Antonella; Meixner, Uwe (Hrsg.) Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind. New Essays on the Mind-Body Relation in Quantum-Theoretical Perspective. NEU ORIGINALVERPACKT
Gebundener Pappeinband, 23 x 16 cm, neu, noch in Original-Schutzfolie eingeschweißt. Verlagstext: Quantum physics, in contrast to classical physics, allows non-locality and indeterminism in nature. Moreover, the role of the observer seems indispensable in quantum physics. In fact, quantum physics, unlike classical physics, suggests a metaphysics that is not physicalism (which is today’s official metaphysical doctrine). As is well known, physicalism implies a reductive position in the philosophy of mind, specifically in its two core areas, the philosophy of consciousness and the philosophy of action. Quantum physics, in contrast, is compatible with psychological non-reductionism, and actually seems to support it. The essays in this book explore, from various points of view, the possibilities of basing a non-reductive philosophy of mind on quantum physics. In doing so, they not only engage with the ontological and epistemological aspects of the question but also with the neurophysiological ones.

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