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Tegtmeier, Erwin (Hrsg.)
Studies in the Philosophy of Herbert Hochberg. NEU ORIGINALVERPACKT
2013 Ontos
ISBN/EAN: 3937202900

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Ontologie

Tegtmeier, Erwin (Hrsg.) Studies in the Philosophy of Herbert Hochberg. NEU ORIGINALVERPACKT
Gebundener Pappeinband, 21 x 15 cm, neu, noch in Original Schutzfolie. Verlagstext: Herbert Hochberg is one of the most influential analytical philosophers and one of the most influential critics of analytical philosophy. He disputed with almost all leading analytical philosophers, from Quine, Goodman and Wilfrid Sellars to David Lewis and David Armstrong. His point of view is ontological and he harks back to the origins of analytical philosophy where he finds unknown precursors of current views. And he finds parallels to contemporary non-analytic philosophies. In his own ontology he tries to dispense with simple particulars.

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Bonino, Guido,Jesson, Greg,Cumpa, Javier (Hrsg.)
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Antiquariat an der Linie 3, DE-64285 Darmstadt
