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Kruse, Rudolf u.a.:
Computational Intelligence: Eine methodische Einführung in künstliche neuronale Netze, evolutionäre Algorithmen, Fuzzy-Systeme und Bayes-Netze. Computational Intelligence.
Wiesbaden: Springer Vieweg., 2015.
ISBN/EAN: 9783658109035

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Informatik, Hardware, Software

2. Auflage. 515 Seiten: Illustrationen, Diagramme, Paperback.

Wie neu, noch in Folierung.

[SW: Soft Computing, Neurologie]
Soft, Computing, Neurologie
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,50
Lieferzeit: 1 - 4 Werktage
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Reger, Guido and Stefan Kuhlmann:  European technology policy in Germany : The impact of European community policies upon science and technology in Germany ; Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), Karlsruhe, Germany.
Reger, Guido and Stefan Kuhlmann:
European technology policy in Germany : The impact of European community policies upon science and technology in Germany ; Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), Karlsruhe, Germany.

EUR 5,60
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Burns, Alan (Ed.):
New Information Technology. (=Ellis Horwood Series in Computers and Their Applications).

EUR 18,70
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Grollmann, Dieter (Ed.)
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization. 6th International IPCO Conference Houston, Texas, June 22-24, 1998 Proceedings. (=Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 1412).

EUR 12,00
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Griebel, Michael:
Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations. [Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 26].

EUR 52,30
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EUR 55,00
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