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Mercedes-Benz do Brasil ( Ed.):
Mercedes-Benz Do Brasil:, South America, 1995.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Architektur / Städtebau / Architekturgeschichte / Bauwesen

ISBN 10: 8585527080ISBN 13: 9788585527082 Nur der Umschlag mit GANZ leichten Gebrauchsspuren, sonst SEHR gutes Exemplar. - "Brazilian theatre has never died, and as cine-theatres multiplied and increased, so playhouses of every sort have multiplied and increased in Brazil. This book limits itself to a restricted period: from the opening of the Opera House in Vila Rica, in 1770, to the opening of the Municaipal theatre of Sao Paulo, in 1911. Within this period, it tells the story of fourteen of Brazil`s great theatres." Text in Spanish and English. Originalleinen mit Original-Schutzumschlag. 156 Seiten. Mit zahlreichen farbigen Abbildungen. 1970 of 2000 copies. First edition.

Nur der Umschlag mit GANZ leichten Gebrauchsspuren, sonst SEHR gutes Exemplar. - "Brazilian theatre has never died, and as cine-theatres multiplied and increased, so playhouses of every sort have multiplied and increased in Brazil. This book limits itself to a restricted period: from the opening of the Opera House in Vila Rica, in 1770, to the opening of the Municaipal theatre of Sao Paulo, in 1911. Within this period, it tells the story of fourteen of Brazil`s great theatres." Text in Spanish and English.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 6,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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