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Stewart, Abigail J. (Ed.):
Motivation and Society: A Volume in Honour of David C.McClelland.
San Francisco, Jossey-Bass Publishers., 1982.
ISBN/EAN: 9780875895260

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Psychologie

379 p. Hardcover.

Good. Ex-library with usual markings. Clean pages. Stamped edges.

[SW: Psycology Sociology]
Psycology, Sociology
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 7 Werktage
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Gray, Roderic:
A Climate of Success. Creating the Right Organizational Climate for High Performance.

EUR 8,10
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Hoffmann, Joachim:
Die Welt der Begriffe: Psychologische Untersuchungen zur Organisation des menschlichen Wissens.

EUR 12,00
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Holly, Arrow, McGrath Joseph and Berdahl Jennifer:  Small Groups as Complex Systems: Formation, Coordination, Development, and Adaptation
Holly, Arrow, McGrath Joseph and Berdahl Jennifer:
Small Groups as Complex Systems: Formation, Coordination, Development, and Adaptation

EUR 40,60
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Jung, C. G. and C. Kerenyi:
The Science of Mythology: Essays on the Myth of the Divine Child and the Mysteries of Eleusis (Routledge Classics)

EUR 9,00
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EUR 15,00
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