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Williams, Tennessee:
Hard Candy. A Book of Stories.
New Directions, New York, 1954.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Literatur

Publisher`s linen-backed patterned paper boards, flat spine with author`s name in gilt. In original blue cardboard slipcase with paper title label on front cover. Crandell A13.I.b. Very good copy. - This is one of a relatively small number of surviving copies of this limited edition, which Williams had privately printed when publishers balked at the explicit sexual content of the short stories. How many copies exist is a matter of dispute: according to Andreas Brown of the Gotham Book Market, about 80 of the 100 copies were destroyed in storage; however, Crandell indicates, that as many as 136 copies may have been issued, with the extra copies available for the author`s private use, but that perhaps all but about 10 numbered copies and 20 presentation copies were destroyed. (However plentiful, the copies for presentation are encountered more frequently in commerce than are numbered copies.) The stories in this collection are: "Three Players of a Summer Game," "Two on a Party," "The Resemblance between a Violin Case and a Coffin," "Hard Candy," "Rubio y Morena," "The Mattress by the Tomato Patch," "The Coming of Something to the Widow Holly," "The Vine," "The Mysteries of the Joy Rio" (an earlier version of "Hard Candy"), and "The Kingdom of Earth." Originalhalbleinen im Originalschuber ( Nur dieser an der hinteren Unterkante leicht bestoßen und mit kleinem Fleck-chen auf dem Titelschildchen) 242 pages. Number 82 of one hundred signed copies.

Publisher`s linen-backed patterned paper boards, flat spine with author`s name in gilt. In original blue cardboard slipcase with paper title label on front cover. Crandell A13.I.b. Very good copy. - This is one of a relatively small number of surviving copies of this limited edition, which Williams had privately printed when publishers balked at the explicit sexual content of the short stories. How many copies exist is a matter of dispute: according to Andreas Brown of the Gotham Book Market, about 80 of the 100 copies were destroyed in storage; however, Crandell indicates, that as many as 136 copies may have been issued, with the extra copies available for the author`s private use, but that perhaps all but about 10 numbered copies and 20 presentation copies were destroyed. (However plentiful, the copies for presentation are encountered more frequently in commerce than are numbered copies.) The stories in this collection are: "Three Players of a Summer Game," "Two on a Party," "The Resemblance between a Violin Case and a Coffin," "Hard Candy," "Rubio y Morena," "The Mattress by the Tomato Patch," "The Coming of Something to the Widow Holly," "The Vine," "The Mysteries of the Joy Rio" (an earlier version of "Hard Candy"), and "The Kingdom of Earth."

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Groißmeier, Michael:  Mit der Erdkugel am Fuß. Gedichte.
Groißmeier, Michael:
Mit der Erdkugel am Fuß. Gedichte.

EUR 13,50
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Lyrische und epische Dichtungen. Band I und II. ZWEI Bände in EINEM Band.

EUR 75,00
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Kipling, Rudyard:
Ausgewählte Werke. Herausgegeben und übersetzt von Hans Reisiger. ELF (11) Bände (so vollständig).

EUR 34,00
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Jandl, Ernst:
Der künstliche Baum . Schallplatte.

EUR 23,50
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EUR 690,00
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