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Villon, Jacques, Raymond Duchamp-Villon und Marcel Duchamp:
Exhibition catalogue 1957. January 8 to February 17. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Foreword by James Johnson Sweeney.
New York, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum; Houston, The Museum of Fine Arts, 1956.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Kunstgeschichte / Kunstwissenschaft

Nur der helle Einband mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren ( etwas lichtgebräunt) . Sonst SEHR gutes Exemplar. - Klassischer Katalog zur Ausstellung der drei Duchamp Brüder in New York und Houston 1957, mit der Einbandillustration von Marcel Duchamp. - Schwarz, The Complete Work of Marcel Duchamp. No. 553. - Enthält Beiträge von: André Breton, Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Marcel Duchamp, Walter Pach, Réne-Jean, James Johnson Sweeney, Jacques Villon. - "This catalogue brings together the work of three unique artists - Jacques Villon, Raymond Duchamp-Villon, and Marcel Duchamp. These brothers are united in their pursuit to realize the `inexact but the precise` in their art. Three separate sections focus on each of the artists and feature an essay, images in color and black and white, and a biography. Also included are original documents such as excerpts from letters or handwritten notes. This catalogue offers an illuminating insight into the artistic practice of these three brothers, each of whom made an indispensable contribution to the visual art of the 20th century" (Guggenheim). BEILIEGT: 8 Seiten " List of Exhibitors ". und VISITENKARTE " Compliments of The Solomon Guggenheim Museum". Originalbroschur.28cm 42 nicht nummerierte Blatt mit zahlreichen, teils farbigen montierten, teils ganzseitigen Abbildungen.

Nur der helle Einband mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren ( etwas lichtgebräunt) . Sonst SEHR gutes Exemplar. - Klassischer Katalog zur Ausstellung der drei Duchamp Brüder in New York und Houston 1957, mit der Einbandillustration von Marcel Duchamp. - Schwarz, The Complete Work of Marcel Duchamp. No. 553. - Enthält Beiträge von: André Breton, Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Marcel Duchamp, Walter Pach, Réne-Jean, James Johnson Sweeney, Jacques Villon. - "This catalogue brings together the work of three unique artists - Jacques Villon, Raymond Duchamp-Villon, and Marcel Duchamp. These brothers are united in their pursuit to realize the `inexact but the precise` in their art. Three separate sections focus on each of the artists and feature an essay, images in color and black and white, and a biography. Also included are original documents such as excerpts from letters or handwritten notes. This catalogue offers an illuminating insight into the artistic practice of these three brothers, each of whom made an indispensable contribution to the visual art of the 20th century" (Guggenheim). BEILIEGT: 8 Seiten " List of Exhibitors ". und VISITENKARTE " Compliments of The Solomon Guggenheim Museum".

[SW: Katalog Ausstellung]
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inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 6,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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EUR 275,00
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 6,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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Bestell-Nr.: 306989

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