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Sabri, Ehap H. and Salim N. Shaikh.
Lean and agile value chain management a guide to the next level of improvement
Fort Lauderdale, FL, Ross Publ., 2010.
ISBN/EAN: 9781604270259

gefunden im Sachgebiet: 789 wirtschaft Sonstiges

1. Auflage 454 Seiten + 23,5 cm, Hardcover

Englischer Text. Nur wenige minimale Gebrauchsspuren. Sehr gut. 9781604270259

[SW: sonstiges wirtschaft,]
sonstiges, wirtschaft
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,55
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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Jiang, Xiaoping.  Why Interculturalisation? A Response to the Internationalisation of Higher Education in the Global Knowledge Economy. Educational Futures Rethinking Theory and Practice Vol. 28
Jiang, Xiaoping.
Why Interculturalisation? A Response to the Internationalisation of Higher Education in the Global Knowledge Economy. Educational Futures Rethinking Theory and Practice Vol. 28

EUR 56,00
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Caenegem, William van.  Intellectual and Industrial Property in Australia.
Caenegem, William van.
Intellectual and Industrial Property in Australia.

EUR 39,50
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Schuman, Foundation.  Schuman Report on Europe: State of the Union 2012 Interview by Jean-Claude Trichet
Schuman, Foundation.
Schuman Report on Europe: State of the Union 2012 Interview by Jean-Claude Trichet

EUR 39,00
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Cockfield, Geoff, Ann Firth and John Laurent.  New Perspectives on Adam Smith`s The Theory of Moral Sentiments
Cockfield, Geoff, Ann Firth and John Laurent.
New Perspectives on Adam Smith`s The Theory of Moral Sentiments

EUR 86,00
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EUR 52,00
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,55
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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Bestell-Nr.: 5749

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Baues Verlag, DE-28199 Bremen
