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Solé, Ricard:
Phase Transitions. ISBN 10: 0691150753 / ISBN 13: 9780691150758
Princeton University Press, 2011.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Mathematik

In EXCELLENT shape. - `This ambitious book provides an elegant and much-needed synthesis to many of the ideas that have come to define the field of complex systems and their applications to nature and society. It makes an important contribution to the field, especially for researchers and students looking for an overview of the literature and entry points for research.` (Luis Bettencourt, Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Santa Fe Institute. ) Originalbroschur.22cm XII,323 pages.

In EXCELLENT shape. - `This ambitious book provides an elegant and much-needed synthesis to many of the ideas that have come to define the field of complex systems and their applications to nature and society. It makes an important contribution to the field, especially for researchers and students looking for an overview of the literature and entry points for research.` (Luis Bettencourt, Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Santa Fe Institute. )

[SW: Phasenübergang Physik]
Phasenübergang, Physik
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