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Zettili, Nouredine:
Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications ISBN 10: 0471489441 / ISBN 13: 9780471489443
John Wiley and Sons Ltd, United Kingdom, Chichester, 2001.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Physik

In EXCELLENT shape. - This illustrated textbook provides a clear, balanced and modern approach to quantum mechanics. It combines the essential elements of the theory with the practical applications. Containing many examples and problems with step by step solutions, this text assists the reader in mastering the machinery of quantum mechanics. The book includes: comprehensive introduction to the subject; over 65 solved examples integrated throughout the text; over 154 fully solved multipart problems; an in-depth treatment of the practical mathematical tools of quantum mechanics; and it is designed to be accessible to teachers as well as students. Originalbroschur. 24 cm XIV,649 pages. Index First edition

In EXCELLENT shape. - This illustrated textbook provides a clear, balanced and modern approach to quantum mechanics. It combines the essential elements of the theory with the practical applications. Containing many examples and problems with step by step solutions, this text assists the reader in mastering the machinery of quantum mechanics. The book includes: comprehensive introduction to the subject; over 65 solved examples integrated throughout the text; over 154 fully solved multipart problems; an in-depth treatment of the practical mathematical tools of quantum mechanics; and it is designed to be accessible to teachers as well as students.

[SW: Quantenmechanik Kozept Anwendung]
Quantenmechanik, Kozept, Anwendung
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