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London Martyn 1664

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Bücher vor 1800, Books before 1800

The Second Part. By the Authour of the first. The Argument of the first Canto.

215 S. Hübscher Lederband mit Goldrand, altersgemäß guter Zustand

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Nicholson, Henry  A conference between the soul and body: concerning the present and future state. Shewing how different the general practice of religion now is, from that of the first Christians. Approv'd and recommended to the world by the learned Mr. Dodwell
Nicholson, Henry
A conference between the soul and body: concerning the present and future state. Shewing how different the general practice of religion now is, from that of the first Christians. Approv'd and recommended to the world by the learned Mr. Dodwell

EUR 200,00
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Wieland, Christoph Martin
Agathon. Dritter und Vierter Theil (in einem Band).

EUR 50,00
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Hoffmanni, Friderici  Consiliarii Regis Borussiae intimi, et archiatri, Professoris Medicinä Primarii in Academia Halensi, Operum Omnium Physico-Medicorum Supplementum.
Hoffmanni, Friderici
Consiliarii Regis Borussiae intimi, et archiatri, Professoris Medicinä Primarii in Academia Halensi, Operum Omnium Physico-Medicorum Supplementum.

EUR 200,00
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Wieland, Christoph Martin
Der goldene Spiegel. In zwei Bänden.

EUR 25,00
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Antiquariat Loest, DE-19055 Schwerin
