Sponholz, Gunter Und du mögest in Gottes Nähe bleiben., Ein Gruß. Der dich trösten und erfreuen will., 1988 Sonnenweg, Konstanz 1988
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Witmer, Lightner . The psychological clinic. Journal of orthogenics for the normal development of every child., Psychology, Hygiene, Education., Vol. XIII, 1919.,
EUR 24,00 Details zum Buch... | Trott, Magda Pucki und ihre Freunde.,
EUR 6,00 Details zum Buch... | SOKOLOFF, L., SOKOLOFF, L., Relation between physiological function and energy metabolism in the central nervous system. J. Neurochem. 29, 13-26 (1977).,Obr., [WES87]..,// MATA, M., Fink, D. J., Gainer, H., Smith, C. B., Davidsen, L., Savaki, H., Schwartz, W. J., Sokoloff, L., Activity-dependent energy metabolism in rat posterior pituitary primarily refelcts sodium pump activity. J. Neurochem. 3300, 213-215 (1980)., Obr., WES59].., // KENNEDY, C., Des Rosiers, M. H., Sakurada, O., Shinohara, M., Reivich, M., Jehle, J. W., Sokoloff, L., Metabolic mapping of the primary visual system of the monkey by means of autoradiographic [14C] deoxyglucose technique. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 73, 3230-4234 (1976)., Obr., [WES50].., //,// SOKOLOFF, L.,. The deoxyglucose method for the mesurement of local glucose utilization and the mapping of local functional activity in the central nervous system. Int. Rev. Neurobiol. 22, 287-333 (1977)., Obr., [SD72]..,
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