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Schutz, Bernard F.:
A First Course in General Relativity ISBN 10: 0521887035
Cambridge University Press, 2016.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Physik

In EXCELLENT shape. Soft Cover International Edition. Priced lower than the standard editions which is usually intended to make them more affordable for students abroad. The core content of the book is generally the same as the standard edition. Originalbroschur. 24cm XIV, 376 pages. Index, Reprinted

In EXCELLENT shape. Soft Cover International Edition. Priced lower than the standard editions which is usually intended to make them more affordable for students abroad. The core content of the book is generally the same as the standard edition.

[SW: Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie Einführung]
Allgemeine, Relativitätstheorie, Einführung
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Werktage
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Schwartz, Mischa:
Information transmission, modulation, and noise: A unified approach to communication systems (McGraw-Hill series in electrical engineering) ISBN 10: 0070557829ISBN 13: 9780070557826

EUR 19,00
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Fetter, Alexander L. and John Dirk Walecka:
Nonlinear Mechanics. A Supplement to theoretical mechanics of particles and continua. ISBN 10: 0486428273ISBN 13: 9780486428277

EUR 18,00
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Amos de-Shalit and Igal Talmi:
Nuclear Shell Theory (Dover Editions) ISBN 10: 048643933X / ISBN 13: 9780486439334

EUR 24,00
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Fukugita, Masataka and Tsutomu T. Yanagida:
Physics of neutrinos and applications to astrophysics ; with 61 tables.

EUR 69,50
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EUR 29,50
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