Völkerkunde - Rao., Shanta Rameshwar: The Mahabharata ) Paperback, Orient Longman, New Delhi, pp. 140p.Composed over three thousand years ago, the Mahabharata is one of India's greatest epics. In this version, the author, in retelling the main narrative, retains the grandeur and flavour of the epic. The colour plates and black and white drawings by the indian painter Badri Narayan add a new, rich, spectacular dimension to the classic., Composed over three thousand years ago, the Mahabharata is one of India's greatest epics. In this version, the author, in retelling the main narrative, retains the grandeur and flavour of the epic. The colour plates and black and white drawings by the indian painter Badri Narayan add a new, rich, spectacular dimension to the classic., pp. 140p., Religion & Philosophy, Hinduism
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