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Neurologie - Weber, B. G:
Der Hirnabszess
Thieme Stuttgart,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Neurologie,-chirurgie

188 S., kartoniert

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[SW: Neurologie]
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 5 Werktage
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Neurologie - Fischer (-Wasels), Bernh.:
: Hypophysis, Akromegalie und Fettsucht NEUROLOGIE ENDOKRINOLOGIE MEDIZIN KATALOG, Wiesbaden 1910, 8 , 154 S., 2 Taf., LwdBd. Bestellen Merken Gefunden bei Abebooks

EUR 75,00
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Neurologie - Lewis-Jonsson, Johannes.
Chorea. Its Nomenclature Etiology and Epidemiology in a clinical Material from Malmöhus County 1910-1944. Akademisk Avhandling av Johannes Lewis-Jonsson. Lund, Hakan Ohlsons Boktryckeri, 1949., Gr.-8°. 143 Seiten. Original flexible Board (titled). The first preliminary Page is loosen from the Bookblock. The Volume is minimally bumped, slightly rubbed and partially stained. Acta Paediatrica (Supplementum 76)., Nr: 6746C, [Krankheiten-], Krankheit; Krankheiten; Medizin; Medizinische Forschung, [The Volume contains the following Chapters: "Chorea in the Literature down through the Ages", "Rheumatic Chorea", "Cryptogenetic Chorea", "Chorea in general", etc.. Many Tables and Figures in the Text.].

EUR 35,00
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Neurologie - Mills, Charles K.
The Nervous System and Its Diseases. suche (1898) Phila. Lippincott, 1898. FIRST ED. Royal 8vo, 1056pp. , 459 illus. , original cloth(repaired at spine ends), new end-papers. VG+.Subtitled: Diseases of the brain and cranial nerves, with a general introduction on the study and treatment of nervous diseases. [G-M 4586. 1] This was the foremost neurology book of the nineteenth century and the first and only textbook of the 19th&early 20th century to contain a section on the chemistry of the nervous system. [McHenry], Subtitled: Diseases of the brain and cranial nerves, with a general introduction on the study and treatment of nervous diseases. [G-M 4586. 1] This was the foremost neurology book of the nineteenth century and the first and only textbook of the 19th&early 20th century to contain a section on the chemistry of the nervous system. [McHenry], MEDICINE NEUROLOGY BRAIN Bestellen Merken

EUR 350,00
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Neurologie - Lord, J.R.
Contributions to psychiatry, neurology and sociology. Dedicated to the late Sir Frederick Mott. K.B.Exi portr. and some ills. orig. decor. cloth. with dustj. a

EUR 40,00
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EUR 13,00
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,00
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Wissenschaftliches Antiquariat Heinz Buschulte, DE-79379 Müllheim
