Religion - Dutt, Nalinaksha.: Mahayana Buddhism. ) Calcutta 1976, Firma KLM. Buff cloth, very good, 304p., index, d.j., signatures & end papers rubber-stamped with former owner's name, contents very clean. The political and cultural background, Mahayanic traces in the Nikayas, three main phases of Buddhism, pre-Bodhisattva stage, conception of Trikaya, exposition of Nirvana, concep-tion of the truths, and conception of the absolute. Gener-ously footnoted. ! ! WARNING: The above description is COPYRIGHT protected material under United States & International Copyright & Intellectual property laws. Unauthorized copying or use of ANY PART is a felony and will be PROSECUTED TO THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW! ! ! The entire text and contents of this description is Copyright protected 2002-2005 Rare Oriental Book Co., Calcutta 1976, Firma KLM. Buff cloth, very good, 304p., index, d.j., signatures & end papers rubber-stamped with former owner's name, contents very clean. The political and cultural background, Mahayanic traces in the Nikayas, three main phases of Buddhism, pre-Bodhisattva stage, conception of Trikaya, exposition of Nirvana, concep-tion of the truths, and conception of the absolute. Gener-ously footnoted. ! ! WARNING: The above description is COPYRIGHT protected material under United States & International Copyright & Intellectual property laws. Unauthorized copying or use of ANY PART is a felony and will be PROSECUTED TO THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW! ! ! The entire text and contents of this description is Copyright protected 2002-2005 Rare Oriental Book Co., BUDDHISM/RELIGION: & ALL NATIVE ASIAN RELIGIONS Buddhism: All Native Asian Religions & Beliefs; India: Books About The Country, People & Culture ca..
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