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Medizin - Weissbach, - Herbert und R Kunz:
Dimensions in Health Research: Search for the Medicines of Tomorrow ), we are currently unable to offer this title. It may be out of stock with the publisher or out of print. If you would like to purchase this title, we recommend that you occasionally check this page to see if it has become available. Gebundene Ausgabe
Academic P, 1978.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Medizin, Allgemein

222 Seiten Hardcover,

guter Zustand

[SW: Allg. Medizin]
Allg., Medizin
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,00
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Medizin - Gamble, James L.:
Chemical Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology of Extracellular Fluid: a Lecture Syllabus ) Harvard University Press6th edition, 6th printing. No pagination. Illustrations. Very good stiff wrappers with metal binding. Small damp stain on lower spine., Cambridge, Mass6 edition, 6th printing. No pagination. Illustrations. Very good stiff wrappers with metal binding. Small damp stain on lower spine., Medicine Gamble, James L. Chemical Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology of Extracellular Fluid: A Lecture Syllabus. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press

EUR 13,00
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Bamm, Peter:
Ex Ovo Essays über die Medizin 61.-62. Tsd.

EUR 9,20
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Shapiro, Jerome H.; Jacobson, Harold G.; Rubinstein, Berta M.; Poppel, Maxwell H.; Schwedel, John B. : Calcifications of the Heart Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1963, MEDICINE MEDICAL TEXTBOOKS REFERENCE HEART DISEASE CALCIFICATION CORONARY USED BOOKS, Hard Cover. Near Fine/No Jacket. Signed by Author. No wear or tear. Only mark is "return to" name and address by M. H. Poppel, one of the authors. Rest of book is clean and binding is tight. 198 pp. with b/w photos throughout. Gebundene Ausgabe Bestellen Merken

EUR 15,00
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Medizin - Kikuth, W. und Walter Menk:
Die Chemotherapie der Malaria 2. Auflage

EUR 8,00
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Wissenschaftliches Antiquariat Heinz Buschulte, DE-79379 Müllheim
