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John, Blewett:
John Dewey. His Thought and Influence.
Greenwood Press, 1960.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Wirtschaft - Management - Marketing

John, Blewett:  John Dewey. His Thought and Influence.
Any valid appraisal and criticism Of a man`s thought, however, must well up from intellectual charity (sympathy, if you will) and not from either resentment fed by hearsay, or at best, superficial study, nor from partisanship. NO true understanding of a man`s thought can be had unless we learn by critical and historical study to see how he came to put his questions in the way he did and give the answers he gave to them. You need to go on and see how far a man`s theory will really take you, and how much truth can be got out Of it, and just where and Why it breaks down.

242 Seiten, Leinen, gebundene Ausgabe, ohne Schutzumschlag, sehr gut

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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Ganglmair, Bernhard:  Contracts, Antitrust, and Holdup Problems.
Ganglmair, Bernhard:
Contracts, Antitrust, and Holdup Problems.

EUR 9,90
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Lütge, Christoph:
Ethik des Wettbewerbs. Über Konkurrenz und Moral.

EUR 6,95
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Leeflang, P.S.H.:  Mathematical Models in Marketing. A Survey, the Stage of Development, Some Extensions and Applications.
Leeflang, P.S.H.:
Mathematical Models in Marketing. A Survey, the Stage of Development, Some Extensions and Applications.

EUR 2,90
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Hönig, Wolf:
Die richtige Person am richtigen Platz. Zukunftsorientierte Personalplanung.

EUR 2,00
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EUR 4,90
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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Antiquariat Kalyana, DE-58332 Schwelm
