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Istituto Internazionale di Diritto Umanitario (San Remo):
[1986 - international year of peace] Peace and humanitarian actions : acts of the international congress, Sanremo, 3 - 6 Settembre 1986.
Roma : Dragan European Foundation, 1987.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Völkerrecht / International Law

186 p. Softcover/Paperback.

Good. Ex-library with usual library markings. Clean pages. Texts in english, french or italian language.

[SW: Völkerrecht, international law]
Völkerrecht, international
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Handzik, Helmut:
Die Idee der Menschenrechte als Element der amerikanischen Außenpolitik (=SWP - S ; Nr. 273).

EUR 4,90
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Union of International Associations:
Who`s who in international organizations - 3 volume set : 1. A - K / 2. L - Z / 3. Indexes, appendices. (=Union of International Associations: Publication ; 390).

EUR 338,20
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Barnhizer, David:
Effective Strategies for Protecting Human Rights : Economic Sanctions, Use of National Courts and International Fora and Coercive Power.

EUR 16,80
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Oman, C.:  The Outbreak of the War of 1914-18 : a narrative based mainly on british official documents.
Oman, C.:
The Outbreak of the War of 1914-18 : a narrative based mainly on british official documents.

EUR 10,00
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EUR 6,90
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Antiquariat Thomas Haker GmbH & Co. KG, DE-10439 Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
