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The Crust and Upper Mantle of the Japanese Area. Part II. Geology and Geochemistry. Japanese National Committee for Upper Mantle Project.
Kawasaki: Geological Survey of Japan, 1973.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Folio, 36.7cm. Pp. [viii],176, 3 fold. col. sections, 101 maps, diagrs. and figs. in text, refs. Orig. boards. Very good.

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DONATI, Giovan Battista (1826-1873).:
Intorno alle strie degli spettri stellari. // Intorno alle osservazioni fatte a Torreblanca in Spagna dell'eclisse totale di sole del 188 Luglio 1860.

EUR 200,00
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HOLMGREN, Patricia K., KEUKEN, Wil, & SCHOFIELD, Eileen K.:
Index Herbariorum. Part I. The Herbaria of the World. A guide to the location and contents of the world's public herbaria. Seventh edition.

EUR 16,00
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Blyth, F.G.H., 1950.:
The sheared porphyrite dykes of South Galloway.

EUR 8,00
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Chen, Jun-Yan, & Teichert, C., 1983.:
Cambrian Cephalopoda of China.

EUR 60,00
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