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[ Nijhoff ]:
Catalogue (No. 714) of an important collection of early impressions.
The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff [n.d., ca. 1950?].

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Small 4to, 24cm. Pp. 71, 18 illustr. Orig. wrappers. Part of covers a bit browned, very good otherwise. - Sale catalogue listing 515 impressions of the 15th (63) and 16th (452) century, mostly annotated.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Schalke, H.W.J.G., 1973.:
The Upper Quaternary of the Cape Flats area (Cape Province, South Africa).

EUR 16,00
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PACKARD, Alpheus Spring (1839-1905).:
Directions for collecting and preserving insects. Prepared for the use of the Smithsonian Institution. [Smithson. Misc. Coll., 261.]

EUR 25,00
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HEWETT, Edgar Lee, HENDERSON, Junius, & ROBBINS, Wilfried William.:
The physiography of the Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico, in relation to Pueblo culture. [Smithson. Inst. Mus. Amer. Ethnol. Bull., 54.]

EUR 15,00
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Muller, A.H., 1937.:
Structural modifications in the Hawaiian Goose (Nesochen sandvicensis). A study in adaptive evolution. [Univ. California Publ. Zool., 42(1).]

EUR 12,50
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EUR 15,00
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Bestell-Nr.: 11761

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