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Brandon, R.A., 1966.:
Systematics of the salamander genus Gyrinophilus. [Illinois Biol. Mon., 35.]
Urbana, Ill.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo. Pp. iv,86, 23 illus. in text, refs., index. Orig. wrs.

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TAYLOR, Frank A.:
Catalog of the Mechanic Collections of the Division of Engineering, United States National Museum. [Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 173.]

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Tamus, W., 2005.:
Changes in the flora of the Netherlands in the 20th century. [Gorteria, Suppl., 6.]

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Estudio geologicode la Cabrera Alta (León).

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Galloway, I.D., & Austin, A.D., 1984.:
Revision of the Scelioninae (Hymenoptera: Scelinidae) in Australia. [Austral. Jour. Zool., Suppl. Ser., 99.]

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