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Clarke, J.F.G., 1965.:
Microlepidoptera of Juan Fernandez Island.
Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus., 117 (3508):

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 1-106, 1 pl., 111 figs. Orig. wrs.

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Bradford-Grieve, J.M., 1994.:
The marine fauna of New Zealand: pelagic calanoid Copepoda: Megacalaindae, Calanidae, Paracalanidae, Mecynoceridae, Spinocalanidae, Clausocalanidae. [N. Zealand Oceanogr. Inst. Mem., 102.]

EUR 25,00
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Haeckel, Ernst, 1899.:
Intorno allo stato attuale delle nostre conocenze sull'origine dell'uomo. [Tradotto dal tedesco per cura di P. Celesia.]

EUR 15,00
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Hill. W.C.O., 1948.:
The caecum of primates. Its appendages, mesenteries and blood supply.

EUR 15,00
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GOULD, Benjamin Apthorp (1824-1896).:
Reduction of the observations of fixed stars made by Joseph LePaute d'Agelet, at Paris, in 1733-1785, with a catalogue of the corresponding mean places, referred to the equinox of 1800.0. [Mem. Natl. Acad. Sci., 1(1).]

EUR 75,00
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