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GOULD, Benjamin Apthorp (1824-1896).:
Reduction of the observations of fixed stars made by Joseph LePaute d'Agelet, at Paris, in 1733-1785, with a catalogue of the corresponding mean places, referred to the equinox of 1800.0. [Mem. Natl. Acad. Sci., 1(1).]
Washington; Government Printing Office, 1866.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to, 28.8cm. Pp. [iv,]261, numerous tables throughout. Hardbound, orig. cloth. Very good.

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Twenhofel, W.H., 1926.:
Treatise on sedimentation.

EUR 25,00
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CAÑIZARES, Felipe García.:
El Jardin Botanico del Instituto de Segundo Easenanza de La Habana.

EUR 40,00
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Romeinsrechtelijke romanesken. Uitgegeven onder auspiciën van de Hogeschool van de Nederlandse Antillen.

EUR 10,00
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Sarnthein, M., Seibold, E., & Prognon, P. (editors).:
Sahara and its surrounding seas. Sediments and climatic cghanges. Proceedings of an International Symposium, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz, 1-4 April 1979. [Palaeocol. of Africa, 12.]

EUR 65,00
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