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Hilden, H.D. (editor).:
Nordwestdeutsches Oberkarbon. Beiträge zur Lagerstättenerkundung des nordwestdeutschen Steinkohlengebirges. [Forschr. Geol. Rheinl. Westf., 23 & 33.]

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Large 8vo. Vol. 1: pp. 339, 26 pls., 34 tabs., 94 illus. in text, large fold. col. map and 4 (1 col.) fold. pls. of sections in pocket, refs.; vol. 2: pp. 323, 5 pls., 32 tabs., 93 illus. in text, 2 large fold. sheets of columnar sections in pocket, refs. Orig. cloth in dust-jacket. Fine set.

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Snyder, T.E., 1926.:
Termites collected on the Mulford Biological Expedition to the Amazon Basin, 192-1922.

EUR 9,00
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DeLong, D.M., & Freytag, P.H., 1967.:
Studies of the World Gyponinae (Homoptera, Cicadellidae). A synopsis of the genus Ponana. [Contr. Amer. Ent. Inst., 1(7).]

EUR 12,50
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Ingall, E.D., 1889.:
Rapport sur les mines et l'industrie minière de la région du Lac Supérieur. 1ère partie. A. Historique et conditions générales de la région. B. Exploitation des mines d'argent.

EUR 45,00
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James, G.T., 1963.:
Paleontology and nonmarine stratigraphy of the Cuyama Valley badlands, California. Part I. Geology, faunal interpretations, and systematic descriptions of Chiroptera, Insectivora, and Rodentia.

EUR 20,00
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