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HIRSCH, Alcan.:
Industrialized Russia. With preface by Maurice Hindus.
New York: The Chemical Catalog Company, 1934.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 20.3cm. Pp. 309, frontisp., several photos in text, annotated bibl. of contemp. literature on the Soviet Union, index. Orig. cloth in dust-jacket. Jacket rather worn, cloth binding very good apart from little rubbing to ends of backstrip, contents near fine. - "An interpretation by an American engineer of pertinent factrs about the present status of Russia's basic industries, [...] the evolution of present-day Russian industry, business, government, finance, law, living conditions, education, religion, etc. [...] Dr. Hirsch [...] has recently returned from Russia where for upwards of two years he was Chief Consulting Chemical Engineer to the Soviet Government [...]" (flap text).

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North American Stenomidae (Lepid.: Gelechioidea).

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NOUGIER, Louis-René, & ROBERT, Romain.:
La céramique de la Grotte de Bédeilhac (Ariège). (Congrès préhistorique de France. Extrait du Compte rendu de la XIVe Session, Strasbourg-Metz 1953.)

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Archaeological researches in Nicaragua. [Smithson. Contr. Knowl., 383.]

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