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Levinson-Lessing, F., 1949-1955.:
Izbrannye trudy.
Moskva 1949-1955.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4 volumes, small 4to, 26cm. Vol. 1: pp. 512, frontisp. portr., 8 plates of microphotos, few figs., refs.; vol. 2: pp. 322, frontisp. portr., refs., index; vol. 3: pp. 443, 13 plates of (micro)photos, refs.; vol. 4: pp. 446,[2], frontisp. portr., 192 photos and figs., refs., index. Unif. orig. printed cloth. First volume with few libr. markings, very good set otherwise. - The first volume includes the author's full bibliography of 217 entries (1884-1940).

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GROTENHUIS, J.A.B., e.a. (red.).:
Rapsodie in Zilver. Jacobus College 25 jaar, 1953-1978.

EUR 15,00
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Dietzel, G.F.L., 1960.:
Geology and Permian paeomagnetism of the Merano region, province of Bolzano, N. Italy. [Geol. Ultraiect., 4.]

EUR 15,00
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HAAS, Dick C.B. den, & LORQUIN, Bertrand.:
Cornelis Zitman. Onze man in Caracas. / Cornelis Zitman. Our man in Caracas.

EUR 15,00
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Schilp, H., 1941.:
The Chaethognatha of the Snellius Expedition.

EUR 15,00
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