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Merriam, C.H., 1890.:
Results of a biological survey of the San Francisco mountain region and desert of the Little Colorado, Arizona. [North Amer. Fauna, 3.]

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo. Pp. viii,136, frontisp., 12 plates (mostly of skulls), 5 fold. col. maps, 1 plain map refs., index. Orig. wrappers. - Mostly on mammals and birds, with a final section on reptiles and batrachians by L. Stejneger.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Strand, T., 1951.:
The Sel and Vågå map areas. Geology and petrology of a part of the Caledonides of central soutthern Norway. [Norske Geol. Unders., 178.]

EUR 15,00
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Deyrolle, E., 1869.:
Description de la Saturnia phoenix.

EUR 15,00
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Erben, K.H. (et al., editors), 1995.:
Die Kreide/Tertiärgrenze im Nanxion-Becken (Kontinentalfazies, Südostchina). [Erdwiss. Forsch., 32.]

EUR 30,00
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Taseer Hussain, S., 1971.:
Revision of Hipparion (Equidae, Mammalia) from the Siwalik Hills of Pakistan and India.

EUR 18,00
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