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Merriam, C.H., 1890.:
Results of a biological survey of the San Francisco mountain region and desert of the Little Colorado, Arizona. [North Amer. Fauna, 3.]

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo. Pp. viii,136, frontisp., 12 plates (mostly of skulls), 5 fold. col. maps, 1 plain map refs., index. Orig. wrappers. - Mostly on mammals and birds, with a final section on reptiles and batrachians by L. Stejneger.

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RHEES, William J., 1889.:
Catalogue of publications of the Smithsonian Institution.

EUR 30,00
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Harriso, R.W., 1957/:
Ostracoda of the Simpson Group [Ordovician]. [Oklahoma Geol. Surv. Bull., 75.]

EUR 20,00
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Herrmann, A.G., 1975.:
Praktikum der Gesteinsanalyse. Chemisch-instrumentelle Methoden zur Bestimmung der Hauptkomponenten. Mit Beiträgen von Paula Marianne Schneiderhöhn und unter Mitarbeit von Doris Knake.

EUR 15,00
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ELLET, Charles, Jr.:
Contributions to the physical geography of the United States. Part I. On the physical geography of the Mississippi Valley, witj suggestions for the improvement of the navigation of the Ohio and other rivers. [Smithson. Contr. Knowl., 2,(2).]

EUR 25,00
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