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Simon, O.J., 1963.:
Geological investigations in the Sierra de Amalgro, South-Eastern Spain.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo. Pp. 164, 13 pls. of photos, 1 fold. map of localities, 1 fold. tectonic map and 1 large fold. col. geol. map in pocket, 12 figs., bibl. Orig. wrs. - Thesis.

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La faune de la France en tableaux synoptiques. Fasc. 9. Bryozoaires, Brachiopodes, Mollusques, Protocordés (Amphioxus, Tuniciers).

EUR 15,00
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Fox, C.S., 1931.:
The Gondwana System and related formations.

EUR 32,00
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Chrambach, A., Dunn, M.J., & Radola, B.J. (editors).:
Advances in electrophoresis. Volume 2.

EUR 45,00
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Gommers. F.J., & Maas, P.W.Th. (editors).:
Nematology from molecule to ecosystem. Proceedings, Second International Nematology Congress, 11-17 August 1990, Veldhoven, The Nedtherlands.

EUR 75,00
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