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Suggate, R.P., et al., (editors), 1978.:
The geology of New Zealand.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to, 26cm. Vol. 1: pp. xx,1-344; vol. 2: pp. xx,345-820; numerous photos (some col.), figs. and maps in text, 2 large fold. col. geol. maps in rear cover pocket of vol. 1, refs., indexex. Orig. cloth gilt. Cancelled library stamp on corner of half-title and title, very good otherwise.

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PORTOLA, Gaspar de:
Diary of Gaspar de Portola during the California expedition of 1769-1770. Edited by Donald Eugene Smith and Frederick J. Teggart. [Publ. Acad. Pacific Coast Hist., 1(3).]

EUR 10,00
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Lubin, Y.D., 1974.:
Adaptive advantages and the evolution of colony formation in Curtophora (Araneae: Araneidae).

EUR 6,00
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Saint-Hilaire, A. de, 1946.:
Esquisse de mes voyages au Brésil et Paraguay [considérés principalement sous le rapport botanique]. [Chron. Bot., 10(1).]

EUR 15,00
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Howarth, M.K., 1965.:
Cretaceous ammonites and nautiloids from Angola.

EUR 19,00
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