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Wahlman, G.P., 1992.:
Middle and Upper Ordovician symmetrical univalved mollusks (Monoplacophora and Bellerophontina) of the Cincinnati Arch region. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 1066-0.]
Washington 1992.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to. Pp. xvi,213,[3], numerous photos on 45 plates, 33 figs., refs., index. Orig. wrappers.

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HEUSCHER, Karl Wilhelm, & FELDMANN, Hellmut:
Kirchliches Leben in Lennep. Ein geschichtlicher Leitfaden.

EUR 10,00
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EARTHY, E. Dora:
Initiation of girls in the Masiyani District, Portuguese East Africa. / Note on the decoration on carved wooden food-bowls from South Chipiland, Portuguese East Africa. / On some ritual objects of the Vandau in Chopiland Gaza [...].

EUR 10,00
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[ Georg Jensen ]:
100 Years of Georg Jensen. Magnificent silver from the Rowler Collection, [Auction catalogue ] Wednesday 19 January 2005.

EUR 45,00
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Koto, B., 1899.:
Notes on the geology of the dependent islands of Taiwan. Reprinted from Jour. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo, Vol. XIII, Part I.

EUR 40,00
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