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REUSS, Jeremias David (1750-1837).:
Repertorium commentationum a societatibus literariis editarum. Secun-dum disciplinarum ordinem digessit J.D. Reuss. Scientia naturalis. Tom. VI. Oeconomia [seu commen-tationes de re rustica].
Göttingen: H. Dieterich, 1806.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Small 4to. Pp. xvi,476. Contemp. half calf, marbled boards. Cover edges rubbed, contents very good. - Bibliography of literature on agriculture and related subjects which appeared in periodical publications

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Sciences de la terre et céramiques archéologiques. Expérimentations, applications. / Earth sciences and archaeological ceramics. Experimentations, applications. [Doc. Trav. Inst. Géol. Albert de Lapparent, 16.]

EUR 24,00
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Roehler, H.W., Hanley, J.H., & Honey, J.G., 1988.:
Geology and paleoecology of the Cottonwood Creek Delta in the Eocene Tipton Tongue of the Green River Formation and a mammalian fauna from the Eocene Cathedral Bluffs Tongue of the Wasatch Formation, Southeast Washakie Basin, Wyoming.

EUR 13,00
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BENTHEM, Menno van.:
Optimizing the structure of the natural gas market using an agent-based modeling framework.

EUR 35,00
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Nordstedt, O., 1877.:
De Algia aquae dulcis et de Characeis ex insulis Sandvicensibus a Sv. Berggren 1875 repertis.

EUR 20,00
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